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What I Love About Green Vein Kratom

green vein strains

In Case You talk to some Kratom consumer, probably they’re either enjoying a red strain or green vein Strain. The ability behind both of these breeds have influenced the lifestyles of huge numbers of men and women, also for justification.

High quality

Ordinarily Speaking, red breeds would be the popular strains among the masses. This does not signify that green strand Kratom isn’t preferred. Or is not as appropriate for its standard Kratom consumer. To the other hand, green strand Kratom matches the particular needs for individuals seeking an exceptional, increased experience with Kratom.

I Want to talk about what I enjoy about green types of Kratom.  Although I lean towards the reds, so I couldn’t live with no green, and here is the reason why.

Green Vein Kratom, The Fantastic Marriage

First of most, just enjoy the most of almost any color of Kratom, green really is a commodity of Reds first. When you do find green vein Kratom leaves out-there. The phenomenon is incredibly rare, and green has been made via a natural evolutionary process out doors by mother nature.

Kratom leaf

By Knowing this simple fact, you start to understand why green becomes the ideal option to mix with a reddish breed. This really is among the most significant reasons I really like . It will become versatile with any red, specifically Red Bali (my personal favorite ).

Green vein capsules

Please Bear in mind that every experience differs and that I realize not every one is going to have exactly the identical outcome as me (very favorable!).  However crafting a union between red/green breeds. This is because of my everyday pattern has been shown to be quite effective. Realization of my growth in addition to enhanced other elements of my own life.

Green vein powder

Generally, If you keep in touch with somebody who prefers green or red vein Kratom, you’ll discover that in the course of time, they will have experimented mixing the 2 together, plus it is really a match made in Heaven.

Green Vein Kratom Puts The’Pow’ at Power

Scientifically, The green breeds are specifically regarded as more lasting making use of their efficacy and lasting strength. Many users will record that the green powder choice features an extended duration, which is consistently excellent.

That Strain is the favorite??

In This analytic study on Mitragyna Speciosa from J.A. Daniels, it cites the chemical composition of Mitragyna and the particular alkaloids that could potentially produce the clutching experience with green Kratom powder.

Mood Enhancing

Each Kratom breed has their own special pair of unique alkaloids which tends to make them special. We know exactly what I enjoy about reddish strand Kratom.  In Addition, also the reason why this breed is just one of the stronger strains of Kratom, however only like the reddish, green additionally features a particular alkaloid cosmetics that produces a long-lasting effect many users love.

What Exactly Does Green Vein Kratom Do?

One Of one of the most frequent questions new Kratom users ask is which will be the ramifications that I should anticipate from green Kratom powder?

There is Fantastic information and bad news for the particular question. The good thing is, as you would like to obey the FDA’s national regulations about medical asserts we can’t share specific Kratom impacts together with anybody.

Energizing Strain

The Fantastic news is that we now have over 10 k those who is able to inform you exactly about their adventures with all green colonies Kratom and exactly what you need to anticipate.

I Realize that really is sort of a open ended question, but that I really did wish to be sure you knew at which to really go to receive your questions answered relating to it breed.

Learning By what happens, how it works, and also exactly what other people’s adventures are, how is a excellent means to ascertain that green breed that you ought to focus on first.

  • High quality finely ground powder
  • 100 Micron fast acting grind
  • Pesticide and chemical free
  • No additives
  • Grown and harvested in the jungles of Southeast asia
To Conclude

When In regards to green strains, ” I really don’t believe, ” I simply’do’.

Can It thing my preferred green Kratom proved to be a red vein at the same point? Can I take care that green Kratom powder is dried in an air-tight room with minimal to no lighting and taken out in order to complete? Does this change my purchasing decision to understand green Kratom powder can be additionally taken out to finish drying as a way to find the wanted foliage color?

Perhaps not really.

All I would like to understand is if this distinct green strand Kratom breed planning to complete exactly what I would like it to accomplish ?

What I enjoy about green strain Kratom is that — it’s the ideal option to dose by it self with some other breed as it offers balance to my regular. It’s the stable breed which plays an extremely crucial supporting role for my treasured reddish breeds.

In America, green generally means proceed, and you can always rely upon your own green strand Kratom to get the business finished.

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Kratom Strains and Names

Kratom Strains

Kratom Strains and Names

The Kratom Strains and Names clearly explained.

Kratom Strains can be hard to decipher. There are 3 types of strains which are White Vein, Red Vein and Green Vein. Although green and white may seem similar, they are not the types of kratom.

kratom leaves

You can, clearly, see the differences in the
leaf’s vein color. You’ve probably noticed numerous names referring to the same types, which can be entirely too confusing. Unfortunately, many vendors tend to confuse the customers by re-branding traditional strains with interesting new names.

thai kratom

The traditional names for this plant come from the regions in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, where they grow naturally. This is seen by the naming conventions such as Sumatra, Borneo, Riau, Bali and so forth. Below is chart for how these names are connected.

Indo kratom

Indonesia: Also known as Indo and comes in White, Green and Red Vein.

  • Sumatra (a region in Indonesia)
  • Riau (a region in Indonesia)
  • Kalimantan (a region in Indonesia)
  • Borneo (a region in Indonesia)
  • Bali (a combination of Sumatra and Borneo. Supposedly Bali was named this because it was in Bali where the combination was first created.)

Thai Kratom

Thailand: Also known as Thai and comes in Red and Green Vein.

  • Maeng Da (not a region, but an enhanced version of Thai)

Malay Kratom

Malaysia: Also known as Malay and comes in White, Red and Green Vein.

white strain

For an example, when you hear the term, “White Vein Sumatra”, you’ll now know that this is referring to a white veined Kratom leaf found in the Sumatra region of Western Indonesia and simply put, “White Vein Indo”.

stimulating effects

These names can sometimes be justified due to the different environments in which the trees are grown. Some regions have different soil compositions which can clearly have an effect on the alkaloids found in the leaf.

high quality

We are aware that these names can be confusing and there are not many concise descriptions available regarding this subject which is why we felt compelled to provide this information to our customers.

bali kratom

Indonesia: Also known as Indo and comes in White, Green and Red Vein.

  • Sumatra (a region in Indonesia)
  • Riau (a region in Indonesia)
  • Kalimantan (a region in Indonesia)
  • Borneo (a region in Indonesia)
  • Bali (a combination of Sumatra and Borneo. Supposedly Bali was named this because it was in Bali where the combination was first created.)

red bali

ThailandAlso known as Thai and comes in Red and Green Vein.

maeng da kratom

  • Maeng Da (not a region, but an enhanced version of Thai)

Malaysia: Also known as Malay and comes in White, Red and Green Vein.

For an example, when you hear the term, “White Vein Sumatra”, you’ll now know that this is referring to a white veined Kratom leaf found in the Sumatra region of Western Indonesia and simply put, “White Vein Indo”.

boost of energy

These names can sometimes be justified due to the different environments in which the trees are grown. Some regions have different soil compositions which can clearly have an effect on the alkaloids found in the leaf.

mild energy

We are aware that these names can be confusing and there are not many concise descriptions available regarding this subject which is why we felt compelled to provide this information to our customers.

types of kratom and different types of kratom

Why Are There Different Kratom Varieties?

Those new to kratom might be wondering how it is that one plant can come in different varieties when it reaches the market. The difference lies in the growth and methodology, not so much in the plant itself.

When kratom leaves are harvested, they then need to be dried, blended, and then packaged as they will be sold. Depending on where the tree grew and how the conditions were, the exact makeup of the plant will differ.

Then, the drying method will change the final chemical composition of the leaves. The final product depends completely on what type of process the leaf went through when it was grown to when it was dried after harvesting. All of the differences of kratom varieties come about during these parts of the process!

How Kratom Colors Are Classified

When you browse kratom varieties, you’ll likely see that kratom is usually divided by Red, Green, and White varieties. There are a few specialty colors that might pop up from time to time like Gold or Yellow, but most will be Red, Green, or White.

Over the years, there has been some dissent within the kratom community about what the meaning of these colors truly is in the industry. Is it a marketing effort? Is it based on the color of the leaves? Or is it something else?

In our opinion, it’s a bit of all of them! Certain leaves have colored veins, which lead them to be a specific variety, and the marketing component can’t be overlooked either.

Drying Matters Most!
Ultimately, however, the color of kratom often has a lot to do with the way that it was dried! Green leaves are usually dried indoors for 80% of their drying time while whites are dried inside in the dark. Red leaves are given more sun exposure via outdoor drying or UV lighting, depending on the variety. kratom leaves.

Often, the variation between red and white kratom will be more simply explained as red being more “mature” and white being “younger.” In terms of overall light and sun exposure, this is true, but the terminology can be quite confusing.

The only way to be absolutely sure about what the color terminology means in regards to your kratom is to ask the supplier or vendor that you are purchasing from. They will be able to give you the most accurate information about what you should expect from the kratom.

All About Kratom Strains

In addition to seeing a lot of different color words used when marketing kratom, you are likely to have also seen a lot of different strain names such as Maeng Da Thai or Red Bali. What are these strain names, and how are they decided?

Today, we’ll attempt to unravel some of the confusion that exists about strain names and their origins.

Strain Names: What Do They Mean?

There are a lot of specific strain names that are well-used and well-known:

• Red Bali
• Maeng Da
• Borneo
• Super Green Malaysian
• … and more!
All of these names seem to have specific meanings, but do the kratom varieties truly align with their names?

Yes and no.

Originally, kratom sellers would create the names for their kratom based on where it came from or what experience it would give you. Bali kratom, for example, may have originally been grown solely in Bali, but now the name may refer to the strain’s lineage (where the seeds came from), or even to different strains that have comparable alkaloid profiles.

Many of the origins of kratom strain names have similar stories. Some names, like Borneo kratom, were originally given to the strain because the kratom was grown there. Now, however, the name doesn’t always indicate where the particular leaves were harvested.

Instead, the name indicates the specific style, content, and processing method that the kratom was created with.

What To Expect From Specific Strains

As mentioned above, kratom strain names might not always match up with the location that the kratom originates from, but the stain names do consistently describe specific attributes of the kratom itself.

Red Bali kratom, for example, is known for its high alkaloid content, but it tends to be grown in Sumatra because of the more consistent growing conditions.

Thus, the strain names are assigned to kratom based on:

• The conditions the trees were grown in
• The alkaloid content
• The drying method
• The processing
These four factors are what makes up a specific strain of kratom, and you can expect different effects from the kratom supplement depending on how exactly it falls into these four categories.

Are New And Unique Strains Trustworthy?

Now that you know more about how the strains are named and what the colors mean, you might be wondering if you can trust a strain like a Platinum Maeng Da Thai or Gold Malaysian blend. Do these blends fit the pattern, and what would they be like?

Our belief is that as long as you make your purchase from reputable vendors, you can give any strain a chance! Reliable vendors will explain the strain and its attributes in their product descriptions, so use that info to get an idea of what to expect when you try something new.

Improving Kratom’s Future

As you can see, understanding what to expect from kratom when the names are so confusing and seemingly randomly assigned can be overwhelming. We support organizations such as the American Kratom Association that are pushing for more clarity in the kratom industry because it would better inform and protect consumers like you.

Among other things, we believe that GMP compliant processing, testing, and marketing is going to be a requirement in the future. Until then, we will do our best to ensure that you can get a clear understanding of our products! As always, feel free to contact us with any questions that you might have.

As a botanical substance, kratom is a product of variety and differentiation. Cultivation and harvesting techniques play pivotal roles in determining the characteristics and traits of kratom products, and as a result, no two kratom strains are exactly alike.

While the plant’s sheer diversity creates a wider breadth of choice, it can also make choosing a kratom strain difficult amidst so many options. So, to help provide some clarification, we’re going to explore the different strains of kratom by examining their roots, characteristics, and discovering what ultimately sets them apart.

Red, White, and Green: Kratom Colors & What They Mean

Although dozens of kratom strains exist, most kratom strains can be classified as red, white, or green vein. However, kratom coloration isn’t merely cosmetic, nor is it the product of deceptive marketing. Instead, the three primary kratom colors are indicators of a kratom strain’s vein coloration, and more specifically, general aroma.

Due to variations during the cultivation and harvesting phases, the stems or main veins of different strains of kratom often become tinted, appearing as red, green, or white/yellow. Farmers often use the vein coloration of kratom leaves as an indicator of maturity and a predictor of strain characteristics.

Red vein kratom strains are made from the most mature leaves and are commonly associated with relaxing
Green vein kratom strains are made from middle-aged leaves and are generally considered to produce balanced, soothing
White vein kratom strains are made from youthful, burgeoning leaves and are often associated with stimulating
Aside from kratom vein color, coloration differences between different strains of kratom can also be observed after kratom leaves are ground into ultra-fine powders. As a result, some customers are often alarmed when they notice that their powdered kratom products are darker or lighter in appearance. For example, red vein kratom powders tend to have a dark brown-red appearance, while white vein kratom is often pale or yellow by comparison.

Ultimately, the coloration of kratom strains will always be subject to variability. Depending on the conditions in which the tree grew and variables during harvest, even two batches of the same strain can look different. Don’t let these inconsistencies bother you, though – if anything, they’re healthy reminders that kratom is an organic product of nature, not artificiality.

The Significance of Kratom Strain Names

Even though kratom strains tend to fall into three major color categories, dissimilarities can be observed between different strains of kratom of the same color. This phenomenon has lead to the popularization of kratom strain names, which serve to further differentiate kratom strains from one another.

Most commonly, kratom strain names refer to a strain’s region of cultivation. As an example, Green Vietnam kratom refers to the strain’s purported origins within the country of Vietnam. However, the etymology of other strain families is often more cryptic in nature. For instance, “Maeng Da” is a family of kratom strains named after their potency and quality rather than a specific region.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular different strains of kratom and the origins of their names:

Malay kratom strains are sourced from Kapuas Hulu near the Malaysian border
Maeng Da kratom strains are globally renowned for their robust aromas
Bali kratom strains are generally considered to possess soothing and relaxing aromas
Thai kratom strains were once sourced from the jungles of Thailand
Indo kratom strains are grown and harvested in Indonesia
Borneo kratom strains are wild-harvested from the Borneo Rainforests
Kali kratom strains are sourced from the Kalimantan region of Borneo
Horned kratom strains are harvested within central Kalimantan and known for their horned leaves
Sumatra kratom strains are cultivated in the jungles of Sumatra
Harvesting: the Importance of Leaf Maturity
As previously mentioned, much of the disparity between the different strains of kratom can be explained by the time-sensitive nature of the kratom harvesting process.

That’s because, unlike other plants, only one species of mitragyna speciosa (the kratom plant) exists. If a kratom farmer wants to grow a different kratom strains, the process doesn’t begin with Maeng Da seeds or Borneo cuttings. Instead, kratom strains as we know them are loose monikers that kratom farmers use to collectively distinguish between their various kratom harvests.

When kratom leaves have reached an ideal maturity, kratom farmers pick and collect them. Over its lifespan, a kratom leaf will typically change in coloration from red to green, to yellow, and finally, brown. This phenomenon of “color cycling” allows kratom farmers to essentially choose the coloration of their harvest dynamically and produce red, white, and green kratom simultaneously, even though all of the plants are technically the same species.

The Different Strains of Kratom & How They’re Processed

Aside from techniques employed during the harvesting phase, some kratom strains are actually byproducts of post-harvest processing methods.

For all kratom strains, the post-harvest process begins with a thorough cleaning in running water to cleanse the freshly-picked leaves of any dust, dirt, debris, or other contaminants. This step is essential in producing high-quality kratom, as these same leaves will later be crushed and ground into a fine powder, making imperfections and contaminants difficult to spot without the use of lab testing.

After the kratom leaves have been rigorously washed, they’re hung or placed on large racks to dry inside or in the sun. This drying or “curing” phase is yet another factor in the development of different strains of kratom, as kratom farmers can either limit or extend drying times to further alter the natural traits of the leaves.

Once a batch of kratom leaves is sufficiently dried and cured, kratom farmers use industrial grinders to grind the leaves into a fine-grain powder. At this point, the majority of kratom strains are ready to be packaged and shipped. However, some strains undergo secondary processes that further alter their characteristics and alkaloid compositions.

Bentuangie kratom, for example, is created through a secondary fermentation process that results in the strain’s signature robust, earthy aroma. On the other hand, enhanced and “super enhanced” kratom strains are produced by fortifying kratom powders with additional alkaloids for improved potency.

The Advantages of Different Strains of Kratom

For centuries, various indigenous populations within Southeast Asia have grown and harvested kratom. Now, as the plant’s global popularity continues to soar, kratom farmers have diversified their harvests with the introduction of new techniques and processing methods.

Even though different kratom strains technically originate from the same mitragyna speciosa plant, each serves to broaden the landscape of customer choice further and cater to the unique, individual preferences of thousands of people from around the world.

For those who struggle with feelings of restlessness, the relaxing aromas of red vein kratom strains can be conducive to winding down after a long, exhausting day. On the other hand, the strong, stimulating aromas of white vein kratom strains can prove to be an invigorating jump-start to otherwise listless mornings. Meanwhile, most green vein kratom strains serve as a balanced middle-ground between red and white strains, producing an aroma that’s soothing but simultaneously energizing.

Most kratom vendors carry dozens of different kratom strains, providing a sizeable variety that tends to excite repeat buyers. However, the same diversity of choice often manages to perplex and overwhelm new customers who aren’t already familiar with terms like Maeng Da and Bali.

Ultimately, amidst so many options, finding the ideal kratom strain for you can be a lengthy process that requires patience, time, and plenty of experimentation. As a result, many veteran kratom customers recommend starting with classic strains like Bali and Borneo before exploring the more exotic offerings such as Bentuangie or enhanced variants.

That said, your journey with kratom is entirely your own, so don’t be afraid to travel off the beaten path!

The Kratom Strain Controversy

With an endless variety of strains offered by an endless variety of vendors, someone new to Kratom either feels excited to have so many options or overwhelmed and confused by the endless array of hard-to-remember names and benefit claims (which one should I choose!?).

Regardless of how you respond to the ever-growing list of strains available on the market, the fact that there is an ever-growing list of strains definitely begs a question: Are the differences between Kratom strains actually valid?

Kratom Colors

The Ongoing Debate

Some people claim it’s all marketing tactics formulated by farmers, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and vendors. Others claim that the differences are very real, and you only need to experiment yourself to find out.

Well one of them must be right… right? Wrong. As the great axiom goes, there are two sides to every story, and, then, there is the truth.

So, what is the truth about Kratom strains? Well, before we jump into this pressing question, we must acknowledge that the knowledge we currently possess will almost definitely go through a serious refining process over the upcoming years, because Kratom’s widespread popularity is a young phenomenon – the science is young, the historical records we have are limited, and there are plenty of conflicting ‘truths’ within the global Kratom community.

Now, having acknowledged the real limitations of our times, lets jump into it.

Until there is a clear consensus on Kratom strains, it’s only right that we give a fair voice to the two main conflicting groups in this ongoing debate. Once we’ve accomplished that, we will share our compatibilist sort-of view that we’ve arrived at after studying the literature, experimenting with Kratom ourselves, and hearing from many novice and experienced Kratom enthusiasts.

Kratom Strain Believers

First, let’s give voice to those who claim that all the different strains are real and examine the truths that lead them to believe that. small dose vs large dose. sedative effects vs stimulating effects.

There are three primary truths that underly this view. The first is that there are obvious observable differences between Kratom plants. The second is that Kratom powder comes in a variety of colors. The third, and most powerful truth, is that many Kratom users report different effects depending on the strain they use.

If we walked onto a Kratom farm or a patch of Kratom trees in the wild, its highly probable that we would almost immediately notice the different colored veins running through the leaves and, if we looked closer at the leaves, we’d even notice that some have ‘horned’, or serrated, edges while most had a clean, smooth edge. Those observations, combined with the knowledge that Kratom trees grow in different regions with different climates, lead to the logical conclusion that different Kratom plants (varying in features and environments) equal different Kratom strains.

Kratom Harvesting

Besides the differences found between live Kratom plants, there are many obvious and subtle differences in the color of Kratom powders. The different colors, coupled with the various strain names, makes many Kratom consumers never even question the validity of strain differences, even if they don’t really feel the differences themselves.

On the other hand, those who do feel the differences between strains are impossible to convince otherwise – and for good reason. After all, if you’ve experienced the differences yourself, why would you listen to someone -even if they are a scientist- who tells you that the differences, that you’ve experienced firsthand, aren’t real. These Kratom users make up the best defense against the opposition who claim that Kratom is Kratom and the strain differences are, in fact, just name differences created merely for marketing purposes.

The Opposition!

Kratom Controversy

So, why are so many seemingly qualified people starting to question or outright deny the validity of Kratom strains?

Again, we’ll break it down into three main truths that form the basis for their position. The first reason is that people in the Kratom industry have created ‘new strains’ merely for marketing purposes. The second is that scientists have found little to no substantial differences in live Kratom plants. The third reason is that, despite many Kratom users swearing that they feel a difference between strains, there are still some people who report feeling little to no differences at all between the various strains.

The first reason -people creating new Kratom ‘strains’ merely for marketing purposes- is the only one where there is someone to blame: the purely money-driven people and businesses in the Kratom industry.

If your only concern is making fast money, this is a reasonable marketing strategy (and, sadly, one that is used in many industries). The reasoning is that if you have new strains that the Kratom consumer hasn’t tried yet or have more strains available for the Kratom consumer to choose from, you’ll increase sales. The problem is that what’s good for the goose isn’t always good for the gander, and, in this case, the gander is the Kratom community.

While it may be a good short-term business strategy, in our opinion, it’s a terrible long-term strategy. It’s also responsible for Kratom consumers feeling confused, perplexed, disappointed, and a lack of confidence in Kratom vendors. When you put money before the customers, you both end up losing. The crack will eventually break.

While the arbitrary nature of creating new strains merely for marketing purposes is the most reprehensible contributing factor to people casting doubt on the substantiality of differences between Kratom strains, it’s not the only one. Kratom scientists have also been giving us reasons to question the validity of strain categorization as well.

Leading kratom scientists found that red veined plants grow side-by-side with green and white-veined plants, which led them to believe there is a possibility that red-veined plants could produce white and green-veined plants, and vice-versa. They also observed that white and green-veined Kratom plants are actually the same plant, simply exhibiting a different color vein at different times of the year.

Furthermore, while they did find clear variations in the features and regions of the Kratom plants, they found little to no difference in the key alkaloid levels and ratios. More studies must be done, but, so far, their findings are quite compelling.

Kratom Alkaloids

Now, the final blow to the belief in different kratom strains: some users report feeling little to no difference when using different strains. That’s right. In complete opposition to those who do feel differences, this group of people report feeling little to no differences between the various strains (in this article we don’t even attempt to reconcile these two groups). However, it is interesting to note that most of them, while claiming they don’t feel differences, will still have their go-to strain.

The Final Analysis

Ok. Both sides seem convincing, right? That’s because they are. See, both sides of the debate are compelling, because they both have truths to back up their claims, but the underlying problem isn’t one of truths: it is a lack of consensus on what we mean by strains.

Investigating Kratom

See, when scientists look at live plants to distinguish strains, they are concerned with alkaloid content and ratios, physical characteristics, and so on(in fact, scientists did find differences in alkaloid content and ratios when testing powdered Kratom, but didn’t consider that evidence of different strains, but evidence of different drying and refining processes). Likewise, when farmers, harvesters, and suppliers distinguish between strains, they are usually concerned with the color and region. And, as previously mentioned, there are those who distinguish strains merely for marketing purposes.

boost of energy or mild energy from high quality kratom.

The problem is that everyone is looking at it from a different angle. So, the question becomes, what’s the best angle to take on strains?

At Online Kratom we believe that the best angle to take is that of a kratom consumer. And, ultimately, from the kratom consumers’ perspective, excluding a small fraction of users, and, with some scientific evidence backing them up, categorizing different kratom strains is valid.

Most kratom users are less concerned with the color, taste, region grown, etc. than they are with how the kratom affects them. That’s right, kratom users care most about the benefits they receive, not the name on the package. Therefore, we think the industry should categorize strains with that as the primary value.

Unfortunately, we can’t get the whole kratom industry on board with us, and, therefore, can only make sure that we use the best and most ethical practices. At Online Kratom, we don’t arbitrarily choose or, for marketing reasons, create strains to add to our Kratom inventory. Instead, we go through a thorough vetting process.

First, we verify the source and consistency of the Kratom strain we’re interested in. After that, we test the strain for quality and distinctiveness. Once, it has passed through each of those phases, we turn it over to our customers to make the final decision. If you guys and gals like it, we keep it; if not, we let it go. That’s our simple, but practical, process for choosing strains and we recommend it to everyone in the industry.

In Conclusion

There is an ongoing debate about whether Kratom strains are valid or not, and both sides of the debate have valid arguments. However, at the core of this debate is a lack of consensus on how we define the word strain, which is just another word for type.

Because of the lack of consensus on how we should categorize different types of Kratom, we believe in a consumer-centered approach. And, for the majority of kratom users, distinguishing between kratom strains is valid. However, we don’t support those in the industry who take advantage of this by arbitrarily adding and creating strains to bolster sales.

At Online Kratom, we put our fellow Kratom users first by mindfully vetting each strain. After a strain passes through our checks and tests, we turn it over to you guys to do the voting. Only the best are kept. This allows us to offer you the best Kratom strains available on the market, without overloading you with unnecessary options.

Finally, I’ll end this lengthy article with the succinct answer I was given(in broken English) early on in my kratom journey when asking a kratom harvester whether or not there were actually different kratom strains: all strains are different, but not too far away.